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26–27 Jun 2023
America/Chicago timezone

2x2 demonstrator in 10 minutes

26 Jun 2023, 11:15
One West (Fermilab)

One West



Thomas Murphy


The 2x2 demonstrator is a prototype of the DUNE Near Detector (ND). Like the DUNE ND, the
2x2 features an array of modular, pixelated, LArTPCs and a muon tagging system (MINERνA)
Following its installation within the NuMI beam line later this year, the 2x2 will become the first
pixelated LArTPC to take neutrino data. The detector has an active LAr mass of 2.6 metric tons
and is equipped with 377k charge-sensitive pixels with 4mm pixel pitch and thin-profile
scintillation traps that will provide 25% optical coverage. Initial analysis efforts will be searching
for charged track multiplicities, N-P inelastic scattering, using beta decays for calibrations,
and MeV scale energy resolution. Additional studies include measurements of the mesonless anti-νμ
CC cross section, and decays involving Compton scattering photons. Aside from these π0
measurements, the 2x2 will provide insight into the performance and capabilities of the DUNE

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