26–27 Jun 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Boosted Dark Matter Search in the ICARUS T-600 Detector at Gran Sasso

26 Jun 2023, 14:30
One West (Fermilab)

One West



Hector Carranza (University of Texas at Arlington)


Boosted Dark Matter (BDM) is a dark matter (DM) model that uses a minimal U(1)’ extension to the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. By introducing three DM particles $χ_0$,$χ_1$,and $χ_2$ and the dark photon (DP) X to the dark sector, gravitational anomalies can be explained, and the interactions with the SM can exist via a kinetic mixing between the DP and the SM photon. An interesting aspect of this model is the search for inelastic BDM (iBDM). A pair of the abundant dark matter $χ_0$ annihilates in the galactic center and produces a pair of lighter dark matter $χ_1$, which is kinetically boosted. $χ_1$ enters the detector and inelastically scatters with an electron, making $χ_1$ upscatter to the excited state $χ_2$. This particle decays via X emission back to a $χ_1$ and an $e^+ e^-$ pair via photon conversion because of the dark photons couple with the SM photon. The total process is $χ_1 e^-→χ_2 e^-→χ_1 Xe^-→χ_1e^+ e^-e^-$. The goal is to detect the recoil electron from the initial interaction and the $e^+ e^-$ pair produced at the final stage of the $χ_2$ decay. In this presentation, I will detail the search for iBDM events in the ICARUS T-600 Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) detector during its operation in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy. I will present the different stages to simulate iBDM events in the detector and event topologies along with the status and plans for the analysis on the monte carlo iBDM signal and real data.

Primary author

Hector Carranza (University of Texas at Arlington)

Presentation materials