26–27 Jun 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Commissioning SBND's Time Projection Chambers

26 Jun 2023, 15:15
One West (Fermilab)

One West



Maria Flavia Cicala (UCL)


The Short Baseline Near Detector is an integral element of the SBN program at Fermilab. Two Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) constitute the heart of the detector, which is also equipped with a groundbreaking light detection system and a Cosmic Ray Tagger (CRT) system. SBND will begin cold commissioning in 2023, and will proceed to physics data-taking as soon as possible. SBND's commissioning program aims to maximise the quality of the data that will be collected to advance the program's ambitious physics program. During the commissioning process we will characterise and optimise the performance of the TPCs. This will enable precise measurements of the drifted electrons from particle interactions in the detector and will facilitate the excellent spatial and calorimetric resolution that LArTPCs are known for.

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