Upcoming surveys are predicted to discover galaxy-scale strong lenses on the magnitude of $10^5$, making deep learning methods necessary in lensing data analysis. Currently, there is insufficient real lensing data to train deep learning algorithms, but training only on simulated data results in poor performance on real data. Domain adaptation can bridge the gap between simulated and real...
Dwarf galaxies are the oldest, least evolved, and most dark-matter-dominated galaxies in the universe, therefore studying them can shed light on the formation of some of the first galaxies to exist, the evolution of larger host galaxies like our Milky Way, as well as the abundance and distribution of dark matter across the Local Universe. Most research to date involving dwarf galaxies has...
The planning and execution of observational cosmology campaigns have undergone a substantial increase in complexity, particularly for advanced telescopes like the Rubin Observatory’s LSST, JWST, and the Nancy Grace Roman telescope.
Traditionally, astronomical observatories have relied on manual planning to scan a predefined list of astronomical objects, which usually results in suboptimal...