21–26 Jul 2024
NIU Naperville Conference Center
US/Central timezone

Status and plan for beam-driven THz wakefield structure

22 Jul 2024, 13:45
room 167

room 167



Seong Hee Park (Korea University Sejong campus)


The global collaboration between PAL, NIU, ANL, and KU is ongoing to develop an electron beam-driven THz power generation and two-beam acceleration in SWFA. We successfully demonstrated the fabrication of a 0.2 THz structure and the characteristic of wakefield using the beam-based experimental measurement. of a 0.2 THz structure a few years ago. The success of a new fabrication method led us to the next step, high-power generation. Currently, we aim to demonstrate the extraction of RF power with its peak of >1 GW from a 0.4 THz structure.
The RF power generated from the 0.4 THz structure designed is expected to reach a peak power of 3.3 GW and an average power of 1.5 GW (averaged over a single pulse) by using a bunch train with 16 bunches, each with a charge of 1 nC as a drive beam.
We present the current status of R&D towards high-power demonstration, including future plans.

Working group WG4 : Novel structure acceleration

Primary author

Seong Hee Park (Korea University Sejong campus)


Gwanghui Ha (ANL) John Power (Argonne National Lab) Dr Seung Hwan Shin (KBSI) Mr Min Kyu Seo (Korea University Sejong) Dr Ho Jae Kwak (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Mr Hyung-sup Kong (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Jinjoo Ko (Korea University Sejong) Mr Seung-Hwan Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboraotry) Dr Jong Hyun Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Jina Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Wanming Liu (ANL) Dr Scott Doran (ANL) Dr Gongxiaohui Chen (ANL) Dr Eric Wisniewski (ANL) Dr G Chen (ANL)

Presentation materials