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21–26 Jul 2024
NIU Naperville Conference Center
US/Central timezone

Increasing repetition rate of PW laser drivers for modern secondary sources

Not scheduled
room E324 (Upper Level)

room E324

Upper Level



Antoine Courjaud (Amplitude Laser)


We report on the achievements and challenges on high repetition rate lasers used as drivers for electron or proton acceleration. We recently demonstrated 700TW at 10Hz repetition, based on a new generation of high repetition rate pump lasers. This system under comissioning is expected to reach 2PW at 10Hz, opening the way to high flux GeV electron sources, or >100MeV proton sources. Moreover, modern electron accelerators require even higher repetition rate, from 100Hz to 1kHz. We will present the challenges and ongoing developments in Amplitude on 100Hz to 1kHz multi-Joule class pump lasers, as well as thermal management of the main amplifier and compressor. Diagnostics and active feedback loops are also key success factors in order to ensure high stability electron or proton sources in the near future.
These high repetition rate laser drivers are expected to pave the way to industrial or medical applications through X-ray imaging using betatron radiation, bremstrahlung or all-optical Inverse-Compton Scattering, as well as particle therapy using electron or proton sources.

Working group WG6 : Radiation generation, medical and industrial applications

Primary authors

Antoine Courjaud (Amplitude Laser) Dr Benoit Bussière (Amplitude Laser) Dr Franck Falcoz (Amplitude laser) Dr Kaikai Zhang (Amplitude laser) Dr Pierre-Mary Paul (Amplitude Laser)

Presentation materials

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