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21–26 Jul 2024
NIU Naperville Conference Center
US/Central timezone

Thermal lensing in Ti:Sa amplifiers – a browser-based GUI and future directions

Not scheduled
room A2312 (Upper Level)

room A2312

Upper Level



Dr David Bruhwiler (RadiaSoft LLC)


The laser pulse properties required for a future laser-driven collider are routinely demonstrated with Hz class Ti:Sa lasers; however, a four orders of magnitude increase in repetition rate will be necessary to meet collider luminosity specifications [1]. We model thermal effects in Ti:Sa amplifiers, including thermal effects at high repetition rate, using an operator splitting approach that divides each crystal and the laser pulse into slices [2]. Each laser slice is represented by a monochromatic 2D wavefront, with intrinsic bandwidth captured via overlapping slices. The 1D Frantz-Nodvik equation accurately captures amplification on a cell-by-cell basis within a 2D Cartesian mesh. Thermal lensing uses a near-axis expansion. Simulations show good agreement with experimental data, including the redshift during amplification. We will review the Sirepo-Silas app for executing these simulations in your browser [3]. Alternative simulation approaches will be reviewed, and future directions will be discussed.
[1] L. Kiani et al, “High average power ultrafast laser technologies for driving future advanced accelerators,” JINST 18, T08006 (2023).
[2] D.L. Bruhwiler et al., “Thermal modeling and benchmarking of crystalline laser amplifiers,” in Proc. Int. Part. Accel. Conf., THPOTK062 (2022).
[3] The Sirepo-Silas app,

Working group WG7 : Linear Colliders

Primary author

Dr David Bruhwiler (RadiaSoft LLC)


Jeroen Van Tilborg (LBNL) Kathryn Wolfinger (RadiaSoft LLC) Boaz Nash (RadiaSoft LLC) Dan Abell Paul Moeller (RadiaSoft LLC) Robert Nagler (RadiaSoft LLC) Morgan Henderson (RadiaSoft LLC) Nicholas Goldring (STATE33 Inc.) Dr Qiang Chen (LBNL) Dr Csaba Tóth Cameron Geddes (LBNL)

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