21–26 Jul 2024
NIU Naperville Conference Center
US/Central timezone

Upgrade Plans for the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator

23 Jul 2024, 18:00
1h 30m
NIU Naperville Conference Center

NIU Naperville Conference Center

1120 E. Diehl Road, Ste 150, Naperville IL 60563


Alexander Ody (Argonne National Laboratory)


The Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) supports research on advanced acceleration, beam manipulation, and beam production with the goal of enabling the next generation of accelerators for the energy frontier. Additionally, this research is synergistic with R&D on compact X-ray light sources. We discuss near-term upgrade plans to improve beam brightness and stability. Furthermore, we describe longer-term upgrades aimed at increasing beam energy to enable next-generation beam-driven wakefield accelerators. These upgrades include generating bright 500-MeV electron bunches using the two-beam accelerator concept and potentially doubling the beam energy of the AWA facility through collinear-wakefield acceleration.

Working group WG7 : Linear Colliders

Primary author

Alexander Ody (Argonne National Laboratory)


Gongxiaohui Chen (ANL) Scott Doran (ANL) Gwanghui Ha (ANL) Wanming Liu (ANL) Xueying Lu (Northern Illinois Univ / Argonne National Laboratory) Rachel Margraf-O'Neal (ANL) Philippe Piot (Argonne) John Power (Argonne National Lab) Charles Whiteford (Argonne National Laboratory) Eric Wisniewski (ANL) Chunguang Jing (Euclid Techlabs)

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