Short remarks & Synergies intro
- Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz)
- Nhan Tran (FNAL)
- Pedro Machado (Fermilab)
- Stefania Gori (UC Santa Cruz)
- Pedro Machado (Fermilab)
As next-generation accelerator target facilities, for Neutrino Program such as the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) or Muon Program such as Mu2e-II at Fermilab, become increasingly more powerful and intense, high power target systems face key technical challenges. Beam-intercepting devices such as beam windows and secondary particle-production targets are continuously bombarded by...
A new high-power BNB beam dump target station would provide a unique opportunity to probe the sterile neutrino oscillation explanation of the short-baseline neutrino anomalies. The KPIPE concept, described in Ref. [PRD 92 092010 (2015)], calls for a long and thin cylindrical detector oriented radially outward from an intense beam-dump source of monoenergetic 236 MeV muon neutrinos from charged...
The Fermilab 120 GeV proton facilities, including the NuMI beam and the Main Injector beam for SpinQuest, provide exciting opportunities to search for millicharged particles (mCP) and long-lived particles (LLPs).
We present two low-cost, robust, symbiotic proposals to search for these exotic BSM particles.
FerMINI is a scintillator-based detector proposed to be installed at the MINOS hall...
The REDTOP experiment is a super-$\eta$/$\eta'$ factory aiming at exploring physics BSM, and Cold Dark Matter in particular, in the MeV-GeV energy range. This range is, at present, the most unconstrained among the energy regions searched by current and planned experiments.
The $\eta$ and $\eta'$ mesons are almost unique in the particle universe. Their quantum numbers are all zero, which...
A persistence of several anomalies in muon physics, such as the muon anomalous magnetic moment, hints at new light particles beyond the Standard Model. We address a subset of these models that have a new light scalar state with sizable couplings to muons and suppressed couplings to electrons. A novel way to search for such particles would be through muon beam-dump experiments by (1) missing...
The neutrino oscillation needs parameters to be measured precisely to provide essential information for a modification of the Standard Model. Accomplishing this novel goal in future neutrino experiments requires high flux neutrino beams and powerful combination of near and far detectors. Fermilab’s PIP-II LINAC is an essential element in providing high flux protons to the Long Baseline...
The next-generation of long baseline neutrino experiments will use higher-power proton beams and massive detectors to overcome statistical limitations. The DUNE experiment at LBNF will test the three neutrino flavor paradigm and directly search for CP violation by studying oscillation signatures in the high intensity $\nu_{\mu}$ (anti-$\nu_{\mu}$) beam to $\nu_e$ (anti-$\nu_e$) measured over a...
Three fundamental searches or measurements can be made with muonium (M), a hydrogenic $\mu^+ e^-$ bound state: the search for charged-lepton flavor violation via M-$\overline{\mathrm{M}}$ oscillations, the M atomic spectrum, and the gravitational acceleration ($\overline{g}$) of antimatter in Earth’s field. M-$\overline{\mathrm{M}}$ transitions are allowed, but highly suppressed, via virtual...
I will highlight the possibilities for a GeV-scale muon beam to realize the M3 (Muon Missing Momentum) experiment, which could discover or rule out a large portion of the sub-GeV parameter space that resolves the muon g-2 anomaly.
I am interesting in R&D for track-triggering at high rate. This R&D could be applicable at the Muon Collider and at a high-intensity Fermilab experiment looking for the appearance of charged particles in a high-rate environment.
Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) based on Mu*STAR [1] superconducting ADS (Accelerator Driven System) subcritical reactors can economically produce carbon-free energy by consuming the remaining energy in SNF (Spent Nuclear Fuel) that has been accumulated at many NPP sites in the US and the world. The innovations include a superconducting multi-MW CW proton accelerator that drives the internal...
The extension of the upcoming SpinQuest (E1039) experiment aims to extract gluon transversity distributions from the Deuteron target (ND$_3$). The prospective advancements of the Fermilab's Accelerator Complex Evolution (ACE) plan, enable not only the extraction of gluon transversity distributions with greater statistical accuracy with a deuteron target but also with a range of...
With the first results of Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment (2021), the discrepancy from theory of the measured magnetic dipole moment (MDM) of the muon looks persistent, and there is much motivation to search for new physics in spin precession experiments. We propose here an idea of using a modified version of the Muon g-2 storage ring for a potential new scientific program to search for a...