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14–15 Jun 2023
America/Chicago timezone

Over the past year Fermilab has developed the Accelerator Complex Evolution (ACE) plan  to ensure quality, high intensity beam delivery for a diverse set of experiments, including the flagship DUNE experiment, and for upgrades necessary for a potential future multi-TeV collider. The ACE plan begins with modifications to the Main Injector and the DUNE Target that will improve reliability and provide up to 2.1 MW of beam for DUNE through the mid-late 2030s.  The second phase of ACE involves replacement of the booster to expand the scientific capabilities of the complex beyond LBNF/DUNE, improve overall complex capacity and reliability while providing a platform for detector development and serving as a front end for future colliders.

The Proton Intensity Upgrade Central Design Group (PIU-CDG) recently finished a report (attached the indico page) that focused on the most promising technologies and accelerator designs for a booster replacement.  They defined the main accelerator components and 6 possible configurations for the Fermilab complex.  

This workshop is intended to take the next step, to circle back to the science cases and collect updated community input which can be enabled by ACE.  The workshop should also consider options for expanded science capabilities in the PIP-II era and the cost and timescale for when future experiments could be realized.  Experimental requirements for the Booster Replacement will then be fed back into considerations for the machine design.

Physics topics to be covered include:

  • Neutrino science beyond DUNE Phase 2  

  • Dark Matter Beam Dump experiments 

  • Muon/Future Collider

  • Muon program 

  • New physics ideas 

We envision this workshop to be the first in a series of workshops over the next ~1-2 years with alternating focus on the experimental program and then on the machine design to meet the experimental requirements.