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Fermilab / UChicago Electron-Lens Meeting

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      General Updates
      • The linac spark safety component of the HV test stand stopped working last week. This component grounds the HV power supply when the interlocks are tripped. This is an integral part of our safety system and we will not operate without it. I will visit UChicago tomorrow for troubleshooting.
      • We have two summer students working on electron lens adjacent topics. Kai Ellis is a REU student at UChicago is working with Chris Pierce (postdoc at UChicago) to demonstrate a physics-informed neural network model of the electron gun. Lazare Osmanov is visiting Fermilab under the Helen Edwards summer internship program and he started working on analyzing and modifying the McMillan system using AI Poincaré.
      • Nilanjan has been setting up a numerical simulation to quantify the effect of solenoid field non-uniformities on electron cooling rates. Giulio suggests that the analysis should include both systematic and random errors in the construction of the coil.
      • Sergei Kladov is currently at Fermilab over the summer working on the noise in electron bunches project. He is also talking to various people including Alexey Burov and Timofey Zolkin in search for long term projects.
      • MaryKate implemented Giulio's suggestions to analyze the McMillan gun with the standard anode design. To average out the noise she measured the current density profile over 40 slices. Comparing Brandon's design and her modified version, we can conclude that the beam profile is consistent with each other. Giulio will discuss with MaryKate offline on how to finish this up.
      • John looked into the Teledyne 521 series panel connectors and determined that they are not UHV compatible. He found some alternatives and found that those are mechanically compatible with the HV connectors currently on the hollow electron source.
      • John is finalizing the drawings for the McMillan source to send to Meyer tools and Heatwave and get quotations. We are looking at a 6-8 month lead time on the gun.
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      Experiments on Electron Cooling and Intense Space-Charge at IOTA
      Speaker: Nilanjan Banerjee (Fermilab)
      • Make sure that the list includes all ideas in the electron lens white paper.
      • Since we are presenting to a workshop, we should clearly state the capabilities: equipment, diagnostics and beam conditions. This will encourage other participants to suggest ideas and start collaborations.
      • Will discuss with Giulio offline.