Zoom Link for Day 1 and Day 2: https://argonne.zoomgov.com/j/1618371724?pwd=YnJjdGI1THYybVJiOHZoQnJHMHgyUT09


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Creating technologies for tomorrow’s accelerators at the AWA.

    We cordially invite past, present, and future collaborators to join us to discuss the needs and opportunities at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) facility during the AWA Needs and Opportunity (AWANOW) virtual Workshop. This event will take place on August 10th and 11th, spanning one-and-a-half days, with a full day on Thursday followed by a half day on Friday.

    The purpose of this workshop is to showcase the current capabilities of the AWA facility and to engage in discussions about potential future upgrades that are of interest to AWA's collaborators. The event will feature presentations by AWA group members detailing the resources available at the facility and talks by AWA members and collaborators on various accelerator science research themes listed below.

    Accelerator science research themes to be discussed at the AWANOW workshop on August 10-11, 2023.

THEME 1: Advanced Acceleration Concepts
- Two-beam acceleration
- Beam-driven structure wakefield acceleration
- High efficiency, high-gradient structure R&D
- Beam-driven plasma wakefield acceleration
- RF breakdown and field emission studies


THEME 2: Beam Manipulation
- 6D emittance repartitioning (e.g. EEX, FBT, etc)
- Longitudinal bunch control (e.g. shaping, compression, etc)
- Advanced control algorithms and machine learning
- BBU control in wakefield accelerators
- Beam quality preservation (e.g. CSR, etc)
- Diagnostics R&D (single shot / non-destructive / ultra-high resolution)
- Other novel beam manipulation methods and applications

THEME 3: Beam Production
- High quality photocathode beam generation (e.g. homogenization, quadrupole correction,  etc.)
- NCRF gun characterization of photocathodes
- NCRF gun characterization of field emission cathodes

Stewardship Applications
- Compact Accelerators to enable fundamental research at small laboratories and universities
- Societal Applications: Medical, Security, and Industrial

Please confirm your attendance at the workshop by registering via the link on the left sidebar. Additionally, if you wish to make a presentation or have suggestions for a presentation, kindly email our administrative support, Nancy Rezek (nrezek@anl.gov) or Sue Gervino (sgervino@anl.gov).

AWANOW Workshop Chairs:
Chunguang Jing,
Philippe Piot,
John Power


Virtual Meeting