Phase II Gaseous Argon TPC group Weekly Meeting

Disappearance Room (WH13SE) and Zoom

Disappearance Room (WH13SE) and Zoom

    • 10:00 10:20
      Cross section models 20m
      Speaker: Callum Cox

      No assumptions about pion tagging so far, and no neutron tagging.  In the future will look into this, assuming various efficiencies and cutoffs.

      Rik says at some point pion mass energy is visible.  In liquid argon especially might see this when pion decays.  There is the potential refinement to include this in the future, but not in there now.  But in gas can hopefully count pions.

      Removal energy=amount of energy it takes to get the struck nucleon out of the nucleus.

      Asher points out these biases are also very different between the various generators.  Can use the to motivate a fake dataset. 

      Stephen points out that some of these are models are known to be wrong.  NuWro is the least wrong.  If you add DUNE baseline Genie model, it looks more sensible.    Also make form factors different for different resonances.

      Tom says generators might have different ways of labeling and accounting for resonances when there is an absorption. 


    • 10:20 10:40
      Gas TPC CAF production 20m
      Speaker: Francisco Martinez Lopez (Queen Mary University of London)

      Vivek asks, does BDT use reco momentum?  No cluster total energy over reco momentum.  And what sample is this?  FHC inclusive, 100,000 true neutrino interactions.  Vivek suggests could also look at number of clusters.  This is correlated with energy, but not a straight line.  Francisco also thinking about cluster shape.  Vivek is now trying to fill these variables. 

      Patrick also asked about how reweightable these CAF files are?  For example, if we want to change detector efficiencies and thresholds, etc.  Do we have enough info in CAFs?  Francisco thinks that this is kind of the point of the common branch.  Patrick suggests maybe keeping thresholds low, or maybe we need multiple CAF files?

    • 10:40 11:00
      How to get a sample into the LBL with MaCh3 20m
      Speaker: Liban Warsame

      Alysia asked what samples are.  For ND-LAr CCInclusive.  For FD broken into numu-like and nue-like.  Patrick says that next change is likely to be pion multilpcity samples.

      Tom asks, can you recompute weights from CAFs?  Liban says you hand Genie event record so don't need to respin files.   But does take a really long time to make weights for some systematics.