Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

The FERMI(FNAL) network authorization method will be removed on Tuesday, Feb 4th at 5PM CST. See news for more details.

10–14 Oct 2023
America/Chicago timezone


Meeting Logistics

Last update: 10/30/2023

Zoom Connections:

For folks connecting remotely, every session should have a zoom link. The plenary zoom meeting is already listed on the agenda (doc-60038). We have aimed to use only rooms with good AV/Zoom integration. The one exception are the Saturday morning plenaries which will be in One West. 

For folks at FNAL, all meeting rooms are "Zoom rooms," meaning they are controlled from an iPad usually sitting on the central table near the front of the room. First, start the meeting from your laptop. Then, there are two ways to connect the room. You can touch the "Join a Meeting" button on the iPad, enter the meeting code and passcode. Or, if you are signed into your FNAL zoom account, you can invite the room by name or location (e.g. "Disappearance" or "WH13SW") from the second tab in the "Invite" dialog box in zoom.

Site Access:

For folks coming to the lab, I have been in close contact with Campus Access, and it looks like everyone is approved to come on-site, though there are a handful of folks who requested badges but have not yet made badging appointments. Now is the time if you haven't done so already.

When you arrive at Fermilab, you can enter through either the east or west gate. If you have a badge, you just show your badge. Everyone else should have a QR code. If you are coming on-site as a business visitor, you will receive a colored Business Visitor badge from the guard which you will need to wear while on-site. If you have requested a badge, you will get one from the badging office at your appointment. 

When you reach Wilson Hall, you will need to enter through the ground floor doors on the West Side which connect to the parking lot. If you have a badge, you must touch it to the badge reader to unlock the door. Everyone entering with a badge must scan. Otherwise, show your Business Visitor badge or QR code to the security guard and they will let you in.


However you get on-site, once you are at Wilson Hall, please find Spring to pay your registration/dinner/lunch fees. If you arrive on Tuesday, you can find her at her desk in WH10W. On Wednesday, she will be in the Atrium in the morning and outside our plenary room at the start of the afternoon plenary. 

Fermilab employees, your registration is being covered directly by FRA, but you will still need to pay for lunch/dinner. 

If you are already on-site, feel free to come pay your registration fees as early as Monday.

Registration fees must be paid in cash, and exact change is appreciated if possible.

Meeting Locations:

All parallel rooms are in Wilson Hall. Rooms are typically in the corners of the building labeled by cardinal directions, e.g. WH10NW would be the Northwest corner of the 10th floor. To orient you, the north side of the building is the side facing the large rectangular pond, and both elevators are on the north side. The west side is the side with the parking lot, so you will likely first come up through the west side elevator. 

Plenary sessions on Wednesday afternoon and Friday will be at the Alvin Tollestrup auditorium at IARC, which is adjacent to the CDF hall. It is a short walk from Wilson Hall along Pine St towards the east gate. (It's also in google maps.) It has its own parking lot which is small, and a larger overflow across the street. The front door to this building is locked at all times, but your Fermilab colleagues have access and will be on-hand to let you in, so please try to be on-time to the plenary sessions. 


There will be coffee and snacks available in the morning and afternoon, either in Wilson Hall atrium during parallel sessions, or directly outside the plenary sessions. This includes the Young NOvA lunch, but 2 hours have been allocated so there is time to get your food and make it to your meeting.

Lunch Tuesday-Friday will be available from the cafeteria. The cafeteria will not be open on Saturday. You can order from the self-serve kiosks in the cafeteria, through their website, or via their app for iOS or Android.

EC members, look for an email shortly for lunch orders. 

Collaboration Dinner:

The collaboration dinner will be held at Bowlero in Naperville, about a 25 minute drive from Wilson Hall. The dinner will be 6:30-8:30. Your fees include dinner, soft drinks, bowling shoes, and the rented lanes. There will be a cash bar. 


If you requested a tour, look for an email soon with an assigned time. Tours will meet in the WH atrium so we can arrange carpools over to the detector site. 

Some notes: you must wear closed-toe shoes for the tour. We cannot accommodate those with mobility issues. In the (very unlikely) event of an emergency, one of the exit routes is upstream into the accelerator and so will expose you to about a chest x-ray's worth of radiation.