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Fermilab / UChicago Electron-Lens Meeting

    • 11:00 11:20
      General Updates 20m
      • John, Lazare, Nilanjan, Sergei K. and Young-Kee are present.
      • Since Giulio and Sergei N. are not attending, we are changing the original agenda. Kai will give a practice talk for his REU presentations on Thursday.
      • John sent all the required information to the two suppliers, Heatwave and Meyer tools. He received initial responses but is waiting for revised quotes from both suppliers.
      • Lazare is continuing his work on visualizing the manifold or equivalently invariants which AI Poincaré learns from data. The aim is to reduce the amount of data to learn the correct global shape of the manifold and/or reduce the overall error in the learning process.
      • Nilanjan made some progress on developing a camera IOC for the UChicago test stand, work is ongoing. Young-Kee mentions that a proposal for a 335 project should be prepared by early September.
      • While Frank Schmidt (CERN) was visiting Fermilab, we prepared the IOTA lattice for space-charge calculations in MAD-X. There seems to be some internal bugs which are manifesting itself due to the very low energy of the proton beam which will be used in IOTA. Frank is working on this.
      • Two spherical cubes for the e-lens diagnostics have been sent to CMTF for UHV cleaning.
      • Sergei K. is working on the noise in electron bunches project, proceeding to analyze the data to model the perturbations in the bunches.
    • 11:20 12:00
      Modeling a Thermionic Electron Source Using a Physics-Informed Neural Network 40m

      Practice talk for REU presentation at UChicago and CBB.

      Speaker: Kai Ellis (Cornell University)
      • Kai gave a nice practice talk.
      • The major comments were to highlight the contribution of UChicago and the clear advantage of PINNs over traditional surrogate models.