6–7 Mar 2013
US/Pacific timezone
This is a pre-meeting of the Intensity Frontier Neutrino subgroup in preparation for the 2013 Community Summer Study. The meeting will be held March 6-7, 2013 at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, California and will include joint meetings with the cosmic frontier. Subtopics that will be covered include: Nu1: Neutrino Oscillations and the Three-Flavor Paradigm Nu2: The Nature of the Neutrino: Majorana vs. Dirac Nu3: Absolute Neutrino Mass Scale Nu4: Neutrino Interactions Nu5: Anomalies and New Physics Nu6: Astrophysical and Cosmological Neutrinos Nu7: Neutrinos and Society Registration is now open. The meetings on both March 6th and 7th will include plenary and parallel sessions. The subgroup conveners have been charged with ensuring that the whitepaper submissions are represented. The timeline and charge to the working groups for the Community Summer Study (CSS) require the majority of the work be completed prior to the Minneapolis meeting this summer. Therefore, the March meeting at SLAC will be a very important step in preparation for the CSS. We hope you can attend to help consider and evaluate options for the future neutrino program in the United States. ReadyTalk connections will be available for all the sessions. To connect to ReadyTalk, dial 866.740.1260 Here is a list of international toll-free numbers: http://www.readytalk.com/legacy/an.php?tfnum=8667401260 The individual session access codes are indicated on the Indico timetable, labeled with "RT".
2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025
Registration Fee: $55.00 Dinner Fee (optional): $40.00