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6–7 Mar 2013
US/Pacific timezone


Parallel Session 2

6 Mar 2013, 15:00


2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025


Parallel Session 2: Nu3: Absolute Neutrino Mass

  • Hamish Robertson (U. of Washington)

Parallel Session 2: Nu1: Mass Hierarchy

  • Mary Bishai (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Parallel Session 2: Nu7: Neutrinos and Society

  • Adam Bernstein (LLNL)

Parallel Session 2: Nu6+CF: Astrophysical Neutrinos; same as CF6-A5 in CF meeting

  • There are no conveners in this block

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Kev Abazajian (U. C. Irvine)
06/03/2013, 15:00
Prof. Ed Kearns (Boston University)
06/03/2013, 15:00
Adam Bernstein (LLNL)
06/03/2013, 15:00
Nathaniel Bowden (LLNL)
06/03/2013, 15:10
Robert Svoboda (UC Davis)
06/03/2013, 15:25
Gray Rybka (U. of Washington)
06/03/2013, 15:25
Ryan Patterson (Caltech)
06/03/2013, 15:30
Peter Sorensen (LLNL)
06/03/2013, 15:40
Prof. Chris Tully (Princeton University)
06/03/2013, 15:50
Karl Van Bibber (UC Berkeley)
06/03/2013, 15:55
06/03/2013, 16:00
Dr Jose Alonso (LBNL)
06/03/2013, 16:10
Building timetable...