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Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

AD Weekly Friday 09:00 meeting

Curia II (H-rise)

Curia II


  • Chris Olsen
  • Consolato Gattuso
  • David Ifversen
  • Donovan Tooke
  • Gilberto Perez
  • Hayden Hoschouer
  • Jakob Schaeffer
  • Joe Compton
  • Kelli Rubrecht
  • Kevin McDonough
  • Martin Murphy
  • Maxwell Monningh
  • Michael Guzman
  • Michael Olander
  • Michael Wren
  • Nathan Ruffatti
  • Pat Karns
  • Rob Ainsworth
  • Spencer Schiefelbein
  • Stanley Johnson
  • todd sullivan
  • Walter Kissel
    • 09:00 09:01
      Crew Chief Report 1m
    • 09:00 09:01
      Run Co / Shut Co 1m
    • 09:02 09:03
      Linac 1m
    • 09:03 09:04
      MTA 1m
    • 09:04 09:05
      ITA 1m
      Speakers: Eugene Schmidt (Fermilab), Evan Niner (Fermilab), Jason St. John (Fermilab), Mandy Kiburg (Fermilab)
    • 09:05 09:06
    • 09:06 09:07
      Booster Neutrino 1m
    • 09:07 09:08
      BNB Experiments 1m
    • 09:08 09:09
      Main Injector & Recycler 1m
    • 09:09 09:10
      NuMI 1m
    • 09:10 09:11
      Target Systems 1m
      Speakers: Don Athula Wickremasinghe (Fermilab), Katsuya Yonehara (Fermilab)
    • 09:11 09:12
      NuMI Experiments 1m
      Speaker: Cindy Joe (Fermilab ND/Operations)

      NOvA: mostly pretty smooth running this week. Experiment planning work on Far Detector and electronics. Getting ready for the power outage on 18th. Worked with ISD to schedule MINOS chiller cleaning on the 18th, same day as the power outage, to minimize effect of any potential cooling issues on detector. ArgonCube: moved detector electronics racks from LArTF to MSB and Underground. Thanks to all the people involved, especially Tom Wicks’ crew. MAGIS: laser room work in the MINOS backroom continues. Still talking about how and when to schedule power being down to the backroom racks so we can relocate the pump controllers. Also, work installing a second access door so tornado shelter can be reached once the laser room is complete. SBC: installed a roof over area planned for experiment.
      Elevator maintenance should be on 29th, end of month.

    • 09:12 09:13
      Muon Rings 1m
    • 09:13 09:14
      Muon Experiments 1m
    • 09:14 09:15
      SY120, Neutrino Muon, Meson Test, Meson Center 1m
    • 09:15 09:16
      SY120 Experiments 1m
      Speaker: Nathaniel Pastika
    • 09:16 09:17
    • 09:17 09:18
      PIP-II 1m
    • 09:18 09:19
      Controls 1m
    • 09:19 09:20
    • 09:20 09:21
      ES&H - Hit Refresh 1m
      Speaker: Ben Russell (FNAL)
    • 09:21 09:22
      EE Support 1m
    • 09:22 09:23
      Instrumentation 1m
    • 09:23 09:24
      Mechanical & Fluids 1m
      Speaker: Kevin Duel
    • 09:24 09:25
      RF 1m
    • 09:25 09:26
    • 09:26 09:27
      ISD-Ops 1m
      Speaker: Gregory Gilbert (Fermilab FESS/OPs)
    • 09:27 09:28
      Summer Shutdown 2023 1m
    • 09:28 09:48
      LBNF Status 20m
      Speakers: Anne Norrick, Chris Jensen (fermi national accelerator lab), Mr Consolato Gattuso (Fermi Lab AD), Jonathan Lewis (Fermilab), Mandy Kiburg (Fermilab), Richard Andrews, Salman Tariq (Fermilab)