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Fermilab / UChicago Electron-Lens Meeting

    • 11:00 11:15
      General Updates 15m
      • John is ready to purchase components for the McMillan electron gun. Fermilab will provide funds for this purchase. Giulio asked John to get in touch with Fermilab procurement.
      • Sergei K. is working on the noise in electron bunches project. But he's also looking at other projects. Eg. He recently talked to Timofey Zolkin about his work on integrable dynamics in the McMillan lens. It is not clear yet whether this will actually become a project he takes up for his thesis.
      • MaryKate has been working on the NIO Landau damping experiment.
      • Nilanjan implemented bunched beam simulations in PyORBIT and is working on finalizing results for the talk at COOL'23. Giulio requested that a draft of the paper be sent out 2 weeks before submission.
    • 11:15 12:00
      Experiments on Electron Cooling and Intense Space-Charge at IOTA 45m

      Draft of 20-25 min talk at COOL'23.

      Speaker: Nilanjan Banerjee (Fermilab)

      Incorporated some of the comments made during the meeting. Some figures are still place-holders.