- Sergei K. has finished the analysis of the existing data set. He is now working on simulations of the electron beam in ASTRA and ELEGANT to model the micro-bunching process. The NEB experimental group must still write reports detailing the result of the experiment. In addition to this, Sergei K. also has some coursework at UChicago. However, he still has some spare time and this motivated Young-Kee to explore whether he can start work on the cyclotron emission monitor. After some discussion, we agreed on the following:
- The NEB project is still Sergei K's thesis topic. While NEB is a very important project with direct application to the EIC, the funding and timeline is not clear. Young-Kee and Sergei N. will chat separately to ascertain the future of the project and Sergei K.'s efforts.
- Giulio envisions three stages to the project. (1) Analysis of signal power, spectral analysis and noise to gauge feasibility and generate design parameters for the system in IOTA. This will be a technical report. (2) A demonstration experiment at UChicago which will prototype the antenna and the electronics. (3) Engineering design of a system for the electron cooler in IOTA.
These need to be done within 1 year to make it into the final design of the electron lens. Giulio and I will write a 1-2 page document in the next few weeks which will detail the outcomes of the respective stages while Young-Kee ascertains the long-term outlook of Sergei K's thesis and his advising committee.