Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wed, Jan 15th from 7-7:30am CST due to server maintenance.

SP TPC Electronics/BDE Consortium Meeting


To join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

To see the password for the meeting and for details of phone connections open the PDF file in DocDB-19321: certificate access / password access

The recording of the meeting (audio/video) will be posted in DocDB-27320

    • 14:00 14:15
      DUNE ASIC Test board (DAT) modifications 15m
      Speakers: Shanshan Gao (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Shanshan Gao
    • 14:15 14:35
      WIB Firmware development for ColdADC on DAT 20m
      Speaker: Jillian Donohue (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 14:35 14:55
      Update on use of hardware database for ColdADC QC 20m
      Speaker: Jake Goudeau (LSU)
    • 14:55 15:00
      AOB (CRP6) 5m
      Speaker: Cheng-Ju Lin (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)