139 / 139
Johannes Albrecht
- Speaker at LFV τ decays at LHC
Wolfgang Altmannshofer
- Speaker at B theory
- Speaker at Rare Decay Theory
Sarah Andreas
- Speaker at New Electron Beam Dump Searches
Marina Artuso
syracuse university
- Speaker at LHC
Jonathan Asaadi
Syracuse University
- Speaker at Snowmass Young Physicists Movement
- K.S. Babu Oklahoma State University
Keith Baker
- Speaker at Cavity Searches for New Particles
Baha Balantekin
University of Wisconsin
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrino Theory Needs
- Brian Batell Perimeter Institute
Martin Bauer
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
- Speaker at Flavor in the Randall-Sundrum Model
Tobias Beranek
- Speaker at Searches for Hidden Sector Photons at Mainz
Claude Bernard
Washington University
- Speaker at Basic kaon physics from lattice QCD
Robert Bernstein
- Speaker at Mu2e Brief Description
Ed Blucher
University of Chicago
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrinos and Society
- Steve Brice FNAL
Roy Briere
Carnegie Mellon University
- Speaker at Perspectives in charm physics: experiment
- Alan Bross Fermilab
Thomas Browder
- Speaker at e+e-
David Brown
- Speaker at Active targets
Douglas Bryman
University of British Columbia
- Speaker at ORKA: K+ -> pi+ nu nubar at Fermilab
- Joel Butler Fermilab
- Brendan Casey FNAL
Chih-hsiang Cheng
- Speaker at μ->eγ with γ conversion
Aaron Chou
- Speaker at Novel Uses of Lasers
Eric Church
- Speaker at Baryon Number Violation with LBNE
Vincenzo Cirigliano
Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Speaker at Theory: target matrix elements
Andrew Cohen
- Speaker at Theory
- Amy Connolly OSU
- Janet Conrad MIT
Ross Corliss
- Speaker at DarkLight
Doug Cowen
Penn State
- Speaker at GeV-scale Physics in the South Pole Icecap
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Inter-Frontier Connections
- Francesca Curciarello
Hélio da Motta
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
Sudeep Das
- Speaker at Neutrino Updates from Planck
Abhay Deshpande
- Speaker at Leptoquark searches at an eic
Francesca Di Lodovico
Queen Mary, University of London
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
Zelimir Djurcic
Argonne National Laboratory
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrinos and Society
Scott Dodelson
- Speaker at View from the Cosmic Frontier
Bertrand Echenard
- Speaker at BaBar Searches for Hidden Sector Particles
- Speaker at μ->3e
Tord Ekelof
Uppsala U.
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
Aida El Khadra
University of Illinois
- Speaker at B and D physics from lattice QCD
Rouven Essig
Stony Brook University
- Speaker at Overview of IF5
- Joseph Formaggio Formaggio MIT
- Tony Gabriel
Hugh Gallagher
Tufts University
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrino Theory Needs
- Douglas Glenzinski Fermilab
Martin Gonzalez-Alonso
- Speaker at Theory
Maury Goodman
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
- Giorgio Gratta Stanford University
- Yuval Grossman Cornell University
Andrew Haas
- Speaker at Hidden Sector Particles at the LHC
- Francis Halzen University of Wisconsin
Brian Hamilton
University of Maryland
- Speaker at LHCb upgrade
Roni Harnik
- Speaker at The Curiosity Frontier
- Speaker at The relationship of charged leptons to the Higgs
Athanasios Hatzikoutells
- Speaker at Detectors for proton beam dump experiments
Reyco Henning
University of North Carolina
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Inter-Frontier Connections
JoAnne Hewett
- Speaker at Flavor in the pMSSM
- Speaker at Summary for Benchmarks
David Hitlin
- Speaker at LFV τ/decays at e+e- colliders
Glenn Horton-Smith
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrinos and Society
Patrick Huber
Virginia Tech
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrino Theory Needs
David Jaffe
- Speaker at Project-X Kaon experiments
- Speaker at Water-based Liquid Scintillator
John Jaros
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Speaker at Overview of IF5
- Yuri Kamyshkov University of Tennessee
Ed Kearns
Boston University
- Speaker at Message from Baryon Number Violation to Snowmass 2013
- Speaker at nnbar in nuclei
Steve Kettell
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
Yeongduk Kim
Sejong University
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
Young-Kee Kim
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
Josh Klein
University of Pennsylvania
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrinos and Society
- Krishna Kumar University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Ken Lande U. of Pennsylvania
Dick Lanza
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrinos and Society
Harry Lee
Argonne National Lab
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrino Theory Needs
- Zoltan Ligeti LBL
Gordon Lim
- Speaker at MEG upgrade brief description
Axel Linder
- Speaker at New Particle Searches at DESY
Jonathan Link Link
Virginia Tech
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrino Theory Needs
Kenneth Long
Imperial College London
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
- William Louis LANL
Zheng-Tian Lu
Argonne National Lab
- Speaker at Atomic EDMs
- Speaker at Message from Nucleons, Nuclei, Atoms to Snowmass 2013
William Marciano
- Speaker at Early LHC Findings and The Intensity Frontier
- Speaker at Muon Anomaly and Dark Bosons
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Overall Neutrino Physics Strategy
- Speaker at Proton Decay: Liquid Argon vs Water
Christopher Mauger
- Speaker at Panel discussion: US Strategy, Part I
- Kevin McFarland University of Rochester
- David McKeen
Bob McKeown
William & Mary
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Inter-Frontier Connections
Mark Messier
Indiana University
- Speaker at Panel discussion: US Strategy, Part I
Ramsey-Musolf Michael
Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Speaker at EDM Theory
Shekhar Mishra
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
Rabi Mohapatra
- Speaker at Building Neutrino Models
- Speaker at Neutron - antineutron oscillations: Theory overview
Jorge G. Morfin
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrino Theory Needs
- Pieter Mumm NIST
- Pran Nath Northeastern University
- Stephen Parke Fermilab
- Ryan Patterson Caltech
Alexey Petrov
Wayne State University / MCTP
- Speaker at Perspectives in charm physics: theory
Andreas Piepke
U. of Alabama
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Inter-Frontier Connections
Leo Piilonen
Virginia Tech
- Speaker at Belle-II
- Robert PLUNKETT Fermilab
Jennifer Raaf
- Speaker at Panel discussion: US Strategy, Part I
Stuart Raby
- Speaker at Proton Decay in Orbifold GUTs
- Regina Rameika Fermilab
Michael Ramsey-Musolf
U. of Wisconsin
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Inter-Frontier Connections
Ron Ray
- Speaker at Project X
- Javier Redondo
Jack Ritchie
University of Texas at Austin
- Speaker at Discussion Session - Planning for Snowmass
- Speaker at Message from Quark Flavor to Snowmass 2013
- Speaker at Working group introduction / Plans for parallel sessions
Mandy Rominsky
- Speaker at Heavy lepton EDM
Robert Roser
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Inter-Frontier Connections
- Jonathan Rosner University of Chicago
- Randal Ruchti Ruchti National Science Foundation
Richard Ruiz
- Speaker at Collider Signature of Neutrino Models
Jaime Ruz
- Speaker at CAST Constraints on Axion Couplings
Kate Scholberg
Duke University
- Speaker at Introduction
- Speaker at Message from Neutrinos to Snowmass 2013
Philip Schuster
- Speaker at Status of APEX
- Steve Sharpe University of Washington
- Robert Shrock
- Tracy Slatyer
Nigel Smith
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
- W. M. Snow Indiana University
Kevin Stenson
University of Colorado Boulder
- Speaker at CMS and ATLAS
- Stepan Stepanyan
- Sharpe Steve University of Washington
- Alan Stone DOE
Robert Svoboda
UC Davis
- Speaker at Panel discussion: US Strategy, Part I
- David Tanner
Natalia Toro
Stanford University SITP
- Speaker at Motivations for Heavy Photons
Amol Upadhye
Argonne National Lab
- Speaker at Lab Tests of Dark Energy
Karl van Bibber
UC Berkeley
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrinos and Society
Richard Van de Water
- Speaker at New Particle Searches at Neutrino Beams
- Julia Vogel
Liantao Wang
University of Chicago
- Speaker at The View from the Energy Frontier
Hendrik Weerts
Argonne National Laboratory
- Speaker at The importance of High Energy Physics
- Speaker at Welcome & Introduction
William Wester
- Speaker at Message from New Light weakly coupled particles to Snowmass 2013
- Speaker at Overview of IF5
Herman White
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Neutrinos and Society
Robert Wilson
Colorado State University
- Speaker at Panel discussion: US Strategy, Part I
Peter Winter
- Speaker at Surface muon beam at PSI & Project X
- Mark Wise
Bogdan Wojtsekhowski
- Speaker at VEPP3
Masashi Yokoyama
University of Tokyo
- Speaker at Nucleon decay search with Hyper-Kamiokande
- Speaker at Panel discussion: International Coordination
Jonghee Yoo
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- Speaker at Panel Discussion: Inter-Frontier Connections
- Albert Young North Carolina State University/Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory