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25–27 Apr 2013
Argonne National Laboratory
US/Central timezone


IF2: Charged Lepton Processes

25 Apr 2013, 10:45
Bldg. 362 Auditorium (Argonne National Laboratory)

Bldg. 362 Auditorium

Argonne National Laboratory

9700 S. Cass Avenue Lemont, IL 60439

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Robert Bernstein (Fermilab)
25/04/2013, 10:45
Dr Douglas Glenzinski (Fermilab)
25/04/2013, 11:05
Dr Vincenzo Cirigliano (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
25/04/2013, 11:40
Gordon Lim
25/04/2013, 12:05
Dr Peter Winter (ANL)
25/04/2013, 14:00
Chih-hsiang Cheng (Caltech)
25/04/2013, 14:25
Bertrand Echenard (Caltech)
25/04/2013, 14:55
David Brown
25/04/2013, 15:10
Yuval Grossman (Cornell University)
25/04/2013, 16:30
Dr Johannes Albrecht (CERN)
26/04/2013, 14:00
Martin Gonzalez-Alonso
26/04/2013, 14:30
Prof. David Hitlin (Caltech)
26/04/2013, 15:00
Roni Harnik (FNAL)
26/04/2013, 16:00
Yuval Grossman (Cornell University)
26/04/2013, 16:30
Building timetable...