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29–31 May 2013
US/Central timezone
LIDINE2013poster The objective of the LIDINE 2013 conference is to promote discussion between members of the particle and nuclear physics community about light collection in detectors based on noble elements. The neutrino community, which is now developing light collection systems for LArTPCs such as MicroBooNE and LBNE, are relative newcomers to this type of detection. However, while there are established groups in the dark matter search community and the ultra-cold neutron study community, there has never been a dedicated conference on the light collection techniques for these detectors. Therefore, this will be a unique opportunity to exchange information and for the neutrino community in the US to expand its knowledge base.
LIDINE 2013 Scientific Committee
  • Janet Conrad (co-chair)
  • Flavio Cavanna (co-chair)
  • Roberto Francini
  • Paul Huffman
  • Stuart Mufson
  • Ettore Segreto
  • Stanley Seibert (proceedings editor)
LIDINE2013 Organizing Assistant
  • Clemmie Jones
The registration fee for this workshop is $78 and covers coffee breaks, attendance at all sessions, a registration packet, and administrative costs of organizing the event.
FRA is hosting a reception which will be held after the first day of lectures (May 29th).

The proceedings of LIDINE2013 will be published in the proceedings section of the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST). This offers us a fast, peer-reviewed publication of the proceedings with easy referencing possibility.