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Indico will be unavailable on Monday Feb 17th from 4:30-5PM CST due to server maintenance.

29–31 May 2013
US/Central timezone

Useful Links - Travel and Accommodation

Useful Links


There are lots of places to stay in and around Fermilab.  Some of the options are listed below:
Transport to Fermilab

There is no public transport to the laboratory, and so it is necessary to take a taxi or rent a car from the airport.  Please see more details here:  Some options for transport are listed below:
Arriving at Fermilab

You will need a valid photo id and to tell the security officer the reason for your visit.

Visiting Fermilab:
Site Access:
Site Access FAQs:

Renting a Car at Fermilab

You can also rent a car at Fermilab from Pilot's Leasing. 
Transport into Chicago

There are two train stations nearby for public transport into the city Visas:  If you require a visa, helpful information can be found here: