Primordial first-order phase transitions in the cosmic history have come within reach of astrophysical observation only recently. The advent of gravitational wave (GW) astronomy has made it possible to detect signals created from the true vacuum bubble nucleation and their density perturbations originating from strong first-order phase transitions. These new phenomenological probes can now be joined with searches for primordial black holes (PBH) that could also be created from false vacuum bubble collapse. From an ongoing study, I will show how GW interferometers, weak lensing surveys, and the x-ray sky can be combined to test the parameter space and scale of new physics models that drive first-order phase transitions in the early universe. We find that predictive statements can be made from the GW and PBH spectra of phase transitions in a B-L model, where some model parameter space is exclusively GW generating, some parts exclusively PBH forming, and others capable of forming both PBHs and GWs.