The path to precision: theory needs for FCC-ee


Code of conduct: The Wine and Cheese is a scientific seminar and thus questions and discussion are welcome. The goal of discussion is to enhance the quality and understanding of the science for the whole community. Out of consideration for all, even when questions are not straightforward, we will insist that they be asked and answered with respect and civility. We value voices of all backgrounds, accents, pitches and degrees of softness, both among our speakers and in the audience. Scientific claims are judged by their content and rigor, and not by the demeanor of their proponent

    • 16:00 17:00
      The path to precision: theory needs for FCC-ee 1h

      Proposals for future circular lepton colliders, such as FCC-ee and CEPC, aim for the production of trillions of Z bosons, billions of W pairs, and millions of Higgs bosons. The statistical power of these measurements would probe physics beyond the Standard Model at multi-TeV scales, in many cases well beyond the reach of the LHC. However, this is only possible with similarly precise theoretical predictions to compare the experimental data to. This presentation will give an overview of the currently available theoretical results and tools for understanding electroweak precision observables and delineate the required improvements and innovations for the FCC-ee physics program.

      Speaker: Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh)