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Machine-assisted discovery of integrable systems


References: PhysRevResearch.5.043241 PhysRevResearch.6.023324 (T. Zolkin, Y. Kharkov, and S. Nagaitsev)

Code of conduct: The Wine and Cheese is a scientific seminar and thus questions and discussion are welcome. The goal of discussion is to enhance the quality and understanding of the science for the whole community. Out of consideration for all, even when questions are not straightforward, we will insist that they be asked and answered with respect and civility. We value voices of all backgrounds, accents, pitches and degrees of softness, both among our speakers and in the audience. Scientific claims are judged by their content and rigor, and not by the demeanor of their proponent

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      Machine-assisted discovery of integrable systems

      Identifying integrable dynamics remains a formidable challenge, and despite centuries of research, only a handful of cases are known. The discovery process often relies on human intuition and deep understanding of the underlying dynamical patterns. Key to these discoveries is recognizing symmetries in the system that are not immediately obvious, often leading to conserved quantities through Noether's theorem.

      Modern computational tools and numerical methods have expanded our ability to study complex systems, but they do not easily reveal integrability. In this talk, we present two novel and distinct (by first principles) algorithms that enable the automated and systematic discovery of new integrable systems.

      Our methods successfully rediscover some of the famous McMillan-Suris maps and ultradiscrete Painlevé equations, and reveal over 100 new integrable families. These include a novel category of planar tilings characterized by discrete symmetries emerging from the invertibility of transformations and intrinsically linked to integrability. Additionally, some newly discovered systems exhibit the peculiar behavior of "integrable diffusion," characterized by infinite and quasirandom hopping between tiles of periodicity while remaining confined to a set of invariant segments.

      We will discuss various applications in physics and mathematics, including systems such as an accelerator lattice with a thin nonlinear lens, a kicked rotator (an oscillator subjected to periodically switched external forces), and tilings by polygons.

      Speaker: Timofey Zolkin