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TMS Studies Meeting

    • 10:00 10:20
      Update from Saikat 20m
      Speaker: Saikat Bhattacharjee (Louisiana State University)
    • 10:20 10:40
      Reco Update from Asa 20m
      Speaker: Asa Nehm (JGU Mainz)
    • 10:40 11:00
      Planning 20m
      Speakers: Jeffrey Kleykamp (University of Mississippi), Xiaoyan Huang

      1.Saikat’s talk: see details in the slides 

      Question: attenuation length for different fibers have been investigated before, short attenuation  length right now is not simulated in reco.

      Answer: check for old materials to see what other people have done on this topic.

      Question: experimental setup.

      Answer: TMS scintillator bars with muon telescope on top, detecting cosmic muons.


      2.Asa’s talk:  see details in the slides

      Suggestion: can check on the basis of hit by hit and decide whether it is a muon, as an alternative of exploration.


      3. Next week: fermilab vacation, no studies meeting. Question and answer session.

          Next next week: ND Reco Sim Workshop.