1–11 Oct 2024
US/Central timezone

Candidate Statements - CRC

Callum Cox


Hello DUNE Young!
I’m Callum (he/him), a PhD student between Rutherford Appleton Laboratories and Royal Holloway (University of London), where I joined DUNE in 2021 where I commenced work on the ND DAQ before moving onto the ND Gar and Neutrino Interaction Uncertainty Working Groups. Right now, investigating physics effects within the shallow inelastic region while improving the simulative reconstruction of neutrino energy.

One of the most essential purposes of the work we do is to advance society – to that end, if that better society isn’t available to all of us, then we’re undermining the very principles of who we are as scientists, researchers, collaborators and pioneers. We must bring everyone forward with us. This is why DUNE’s Community Agreement (CA) serves a vital role in advancing this notion.

The CRC (Case Review Committee) serves as the body to ensure accountability against violations of the CA, and must be done so with sensitivity, dignity, respect and care – a forum in which members feel they are safe to report to. As such, I will take my responsibilities (if elected) seriously, and ensure there is a strong level of trust, essential safeguarding and appropriate discretion when carrying out my duties.

Having experience working in social campaigns and being elected to
voluntary leadership roles for marginalised community representing-organisations, it was my job to ensure breaches of the codes of conduct were dealt with in appropriate manner, ensuring reporter safety first-and-foremost, and issuing actionable outcomes in accordance with our disciplinary procedures. Recognising the difficulty, barriers and stress which coming forward can induce – and working to circumvent this by focusing on mental wellbeing, provisions against burnout, and improving community safety.

These past experiences have made me feel confident in my ability to perform effectively and cohesively within this role, and why I’m asking for your vote to serve on the CRC, ensuring our collaboration does not leave any member behind.

Thank you for considering my candidacy with this opportunity, and if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out via Slack or email (callum.cox@stfc.ac.uk)!


Isobel Mawby

Hello! My name is Isobel Mawby (they/them) and I am a postdoc at Lancaster University. I've been a member of DUNE for the past 5 years, and during this time I've served as a Spokesperson Advisory Committee YD rep, founded the LGBTQIA+ DUNE group (alongside Asa and Erin), and have most recently joined the task force for the recognition of work of junior collaborators. I'm honoured to be nominated for the CRC YD position.

I'd like to thank those who developed and implemented the Code of Conduct on DUNE, it makes me extremely happy to know that our safety is written into the governance of DUNE. The CRC's job is to respond to violations of the CoC. I believe that to do this successfully the CRC must be able to make the reporting process as non-intimidating as possible. I think there are two main ways to do this:

  1.  The reporting process must be conveyed as clearly and simply as possible. This must be done regularly, must be documented, and the location of such a document must be well known. A part of me fears that no violations of the CoC have been reported because the reporting process appears too cumbersome. If this is true (and hopefully the recent google doc will tell us) the CRC must work with the collaboration to understand how this can be improved.
  2.  The committee must be filled with members who are approachable, and who will treat cases with the upmost respect and attention. Personally, this is very important to me and there have been several CRC overview talks where the speaker's genuine care for the CoC has made me feel that I would be comfortable in making a report should I ever need to. I hope that I am such a person, and would do my upmost to be.

Thank you for your consideration.