In this talk I will present our new results for the 2p2h mechanism from a theoretical framework developed by the Valencia group. I will highlight several features, most importantly the exclusive-final-states of the outgoing nucleons and the assessment of theoretical uncertainty of our calculation. In the latest version of the model we treat in a consistent way the nucleon self-energy which introduces substantial changes in respect to the original version of the model. I will present the 2p2h mechanism it in a broader context of the Valencia model, but also delve into some more technical details.
This talk will be based on the following papers:
J.E.S., J. Nieves, "Neutrino and antineutrino charged-current multi-nucleon cross sections revisited" 2407.21587
J.E.S., J. Nieves, F.Sanchez, "Exclusive-final-state hadron observables from neutrino-nucleus multinucleon knockout'', Phys. Rev. C 102 (2020) no.2, 024601
J. Nieves, I. Ruiz Simo,M.J.Vicente Vacas, "Inclusive Charged--Current Neutrino--Nucleus Reactions" Phys. Rev. C 83 (2011), 045501