Summit on Digital Twins


Gathering the voices of experts and leadership to build community across directorates, and to craft a strategic plan to build expertise in digital twins in support of Fermilab's mission.

Participant Registration for the 2024 Summit on Digital Twins at Fermilab
  • Jason St. John
    • 1
      Welcome and Initial Vision

      Introductory slides:
      - What do we mean by "digital twin," and
      - The vision for a lab where digital twins are in common use, enhancing operations in diverse facets of Fermilab.

      Speaker: Jason St. John (Fermilab)
    • 2
      A Digital Twin for the PIP-II Linac

      Status, plans, and vision

      Speaker: Abhishek Pathak (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
    • 3
      Roundtable: Use Cases from all present
    • 4
    • 5
      Requirements Collection and Drafting Strategic Plan

      (add any further use cases as they occur in conversation)