Attending: Karsten, Steve K., Chris M., Jon U., James W.
Regrets: Fatma (NP02 work), Tanaz (at CPAD)
We heard updates from Chris and James about developments at CERN regarding anodes from the vendors. The sample from the new company from China arrived late last week. Schedule for "refurbishment" of CRP 6 to become CRP 8, now calls for replacement of just one of the CRU's with an assembly using new anodes. This work will likely take place in January; The CERN winter shutdown ends on Jan 6. In the meantime, we will get preliminary information on the performance of the Bottom CRP's in NP04 before the shutdown once the cathode is submerged. As far as preparations for NP02 filling, the word from Fatma and Dominique is that final checks and preparations are being done this week (for this reason Fatma was not able to attend this meeting).
We talked about organizational topics:
James mentioned having slides pertaining to schedule -- some of the discussion overlapped the initial discussion about the timeline at CERN, so we decided that he would just post these slides (which he has done).
James also mentioned having requested quotes for the table surfaces needed at the various workstations.
Jon asked Steve if he could help move things along for the IU subcontract for the setup phase.
Action items:
We decided that we will meet again next week (Wed Nov 27) to keep momentum going forward.
minutes: JU