TMS Studies Meeting

    • 08:00 08:20
      Layer Orientation Update 20m
      Speaker: Kiyoung Jung (University of Rochester)
    • 08:20 08:40
      Meeting minutes 20m
      Speaker: Xiaoyan Huang

      Kiyoung's talk: see the slides for more details. (2 configurations in the study: UV and XY)

      UV layers and XY layers’ reco percentage: UV: 10%, XY: 6%.

      Charge ID  total accuracy: XY: 81.3% , UV: 82.4%.

      Stopping power: volume cut: Z: two planes from the back, X, Y plane: 73 mm.

      efficiency = (True stop) / ( True stop + False exit ), as volume cut gets tighter false exit gets   larger, efficiency is decreased.

      Momentum from the Kalman filter doesn't work well for UV.

      Summary: charge ID from UV is slightly better than XY. Stopping power depends on volume cut and XY is better than UV.