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DUNE Data Management Meeting

203 (Feynman Computing Center)


Feynman Computing Center


This is the weekly DUNE Data Management Meeting. We discuss the Data Management Project for the upcoming DUNE experiment, and also data management operations issues. Attendees are people who are actually working on data management plus higher DUNE computing management as required.

    • 1
      Standing Item: Rucio Token Development Status
      Speakers: James Perry, Steven Timm (Fermilab)

      Rucio release v37 (march 25) will have an IAM token preview of rucio download.  No CILogon token support.

      No firm date on rucio upload even IAM support

      There is a PR open for user auth support by James (see above) Key that this gets in the release

      James, Doug, Steve, Wenlong, Martin, Dimitrios  Mine will meet at CERN during cilogon.

      DUNE DM should document our workflow, Mine to lead the discussion with CILogon.


    • 2
      Standing item: Proposed upgrades / configuration changes
      Speakers: Brandon White (Fermilab), Marc Mengel (Fermilab), Steven Timm (Fermilab)

      Brandon--working on updating the HELM charts for dune-rucio

      Will do all other ones except for DUNE.

      Turning off some things that have been deprecated, and changing how the secrets and certificates are mounted.


      Marc- 2.3.5 declad was tagged, incorporating Doug's latest PR.

      Already tested.



    • 3
      Standing Item: Datasets pending DM action
      Speaker: Steven Timm (Fermilab)
    • 4
      CTA status (collaboration meeting preview)
      Speaker: Tammy Walton (Fermilab)

      Tammy not here but Scarlet Norberg was.

      No mechanism to write small files to CTA

      100MB is limit.

      No replacement of SFA.

      Better to have the experiments tar them up themselves.

      Heidi: Should look and comment on the merging document...


      New CTA just came out this month, assuming nothing major happens, March timeline \

      Physical libraries stay separate between CMS and public .

      All Fermilab stay with dCache in front.


      Final code for file family replacements happen.

      Any nvme hardware 


      hoping for 1 week downtime (of tape)

      CMS is going first, hope to smooth the way

      Need convention on tarballs.


    • 5
      Consistency checking plans
      Speakers: Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Yuyi Guo

      Using Igor's data consistency for CMS, see what they do and see how we can modify.

      Yuyi shows the CMS web site

      Major differences, Postgres vs oracle

      Different lfn-pfn mappings in DUNE,


      How to scan.