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DAQ Coordination Meeting

    • 08:00 08:05
      General news 5m
      Speakers: Alessandro Thea (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Asher Kaboth (RHUL), Roland Sipos (CERN)
    • 08:05 08:20
      Actions from previous meetings 15m
      Speakers: Alessandro Thea (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Asher Kaboth (RHUL), Roland Sipos (CERN), Wesley Ketchum (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
    • 08:20 08:30
      EHN1 news 10m
      Speaker: Wesley Ketchum (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
      • Power outages
        • Power outage last Wed morning (8 Jan). Took a while for DAQ to recover largely due to expired certificates for K8s (though still back up before CE recovered).
        • Outages this week on W (15 Jan) and F (17 Jan). Plan in place and hopefully faster/more automated recovery.
      • Filling schedule
        • Top-up argon started delivery again last Fri. Attempting to do top-up without stopping purification (may make a bit slower). Expected to be full week of 20 Jan.
      • NP02 status
        • CE monitoring runs in v4 have been ongoing. Starting DQM areas for NP02.
        • Tests in v5 have been going -- Marco leading effort on updated config management for v5 and finalizing testing of v5.2.1.
          • Working on shifter instructions with v5 to be deployed with new release.
        • Waiting for PDS experts to come back after holidays to drive forward efforts there.
        • TDE experts around this week for TDE studies including recabling to enable DAQ integration to move forward.
        • No information on beam run: SPS expected to return end of March / early April and likely we will want to run soon then.
      • Coldbox
        • Next CRP coldbox expected end of February. New cables have arrived meaning we may not need to move servers downstairs (need to pull them before coldbox of course). Ideally we should aim for a v5 coldbox, but that will require significant support for calibration settings changes.
    • 08:30 08:50
      Activity coordination round table 20m

      Release Coordination v5
      ND test setups
      SW coordination

      Speakers: Bonnie King (FNAL), Eric Flumerfelt (Fermilab), John Freeman, Kurt Biery (Fermilab)

      John Freeman, Software Coordination:

      • NFDT_DEV_250111_A9 is a test release based on externals v2.2, and is the latest-greatest. I consider the externals v2.2 to be ready, and propose that sometime this week we switch the regular nightlies over to using externals v2.2, with a parallel "fallback" nightly for a few days based on the current-standard externals v2.1. For a high-level summary of the new externals see
      • Some very simple tweaks (e.g., adding `#include`s of `<cstdint>` were needed to a couple of packages to build against the externals, and are currently available on the "johnfreeman/build_against_externals_v2.2" branches. They are backwards compatible. I plan to merge them into "develop" in the next day or so. 
      • Also on the agenda: we're ready to cut a candidate v5.2.1 release if needed
      • There's also a mass merge we can do involving work on the ModuleConfiguration and ConfigurationManager classes
      • Andrew's done work on separating development vs. running environments which I need to review  

      Eric Flumerfer, v5.2.1:

      • Marco is concerned about hardware availability for testing v5.2.1
      • Wes believes testing may be possible this week
      • If release is not tested this week, we will merge changes into develop (while leaving patch branches in place) so that the "opportunity cost" of leaving the patch release open is 0
    • 08:50 09:20
      Working groups round table 30m
      Speakers: Adam Barcock (UKRI STFC), Alec Habig (Univ. of Minnesota Duluth), Alexander Tapper (Imperial College London), Artur Sztuc (University College London), Bonnie King (FNAL), David Cussans (University of Bristol), Jonathan Hays (Queen Mary University of London), Joshua Klein, Kurt Biery (Fermilab), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London), Roland Sipos (CERN), Stoyan Trilov, Wesley Ketchum (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)


      Will be "pivoting" towards preparations for PRR over the next week or so.

      pre-production MIB should arrive this week.

      pre-production GIB should arrive next week.

      Will need to be combined with more demands from NP02

      Recent power cut showed that recovery from power failure still a relatively expert operation.


    • 09:20 09:25
      Actions 5m