Pierre, slide 4: What are examples of elements beyond CRP, PDS, and TPG?
Marco: dataflow app
Wes: CTB prescale
Wes, slide 6: What is daqconf depending on config-management tools?
Marco: Because CIDER-shifter will be
Pierre, slide 7: For a simple change (let's say we decided that df app should be writing to a different path), what do DAQ experts need to do?
Marco: change the base repo and propagate to all the branches, if this is something that needs to happen for all the future runs
Wes: When do you need to change operation and not base?
Marco: never
Wes: Lets say we are running for monitoring with v5.2.1 release at NP02, meanwhile the develop of the config repos uses v5.3.0, how do we make a v5.2.1 change?
Marco: make a change to patch/v5.2.1 branch and if you want to have it to develop you also do it there.
Wes: ok, but "patch," in our release model means that we are working towards a new release, that's not the case here. Also changes on the patch branch may be very quick
Marco: yes, it will be different.
Wes, slide 9, last BP: can you give an example of a schema that don't have parameters, an only relations?
Marco shows the DAPHNE configuration, which only has one relation between the DAPHNE app and a configuration object, and 2 of these conf objects which can be toggled with the relation in of the DAPHNE app configuration
Wes: Are you suggesting we should do that for all schemas?
Long discussion
Pierre, slide 9, first BP: Regarding this, have you tried to use the configuration in your 2 repos and run a shifter/expert workflow on your repositories? How does it look like/does it work?
Marco: I have created the repositories, but I haven't developed the python/git tools to interact with the repos, that should be done in CIDER-shifter
Pierre: I disagree, there is nothing stopping you from prototyping your scripts in a standalone way, and making sure that they work.
Round table: control
Pawel Plesniak, Pierre Lasorak
(Imperial College London), Tiago Alves
(Imperial College London), Wanyun Su
(University of Oxford), Zbynek Kral
(CTU Prague)
No round table
Round table: config
Alessandro Thea
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Giovanna Lehmann
(CERN), Gordon Crone
(University College London), Henry Wallace
(Royal Holloway, University of London), John Freeman
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory), Marco Roda
(University of Liverpool)
No round table
Round table: k8s etc.
Alessandro Thea
(STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Bonnie King
(FNAL), Jonathan Hancock
(University of Birmingham), Patrick Riehecky
(Fermilab), Pierre Lasorak
(Imperial College London), Tiago Alves
(Imperial College London), Tiago Alves
(Imperial College London)