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Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie (UW-Madison), Peter Timbie


Planning for the International Summer School in 21 cm Cosmology/ 21 cm Cosmology Workshop/ Tianlai-BAORadio Collaboration Meeting.

Date:  Need to settle this soon. Reza has sent around a poll to the Tianlai/BAORadio email list:

Summer school:  Haijun presented plans (see attached file), including list of topics.  Reza suggested adding some presentations on how radio measurements are performed and having some 'hands-on' activities (hackathon) to introduce students to software tools, etc.  Some felt the list was too long - remove some of the topics?  Also, summer school talks on most recent developments in the field could be review talks given at the meeting. 

Scientific Organizing Committee Meeting planning:   Weds or Thurs Feb 5 or 6 at the usual time.  Need to decide on SOC members to invite.  We need both people who can connect us with speakers we don't know as well as some people who have some time to devote to organizing.  Some possible names:

Next telecon - Tues Feb 4, usual time

Happy New Year all!





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