Joint EGEE and OSG Workshop on Data Handling in Production Grids The workshop will be held June 25, 2007 in conjunction with HPDC 2007. Please consult the HPDC website for logistics details. With the establishment of large scale multidisciplinary production Grid infrastructures such as the EGEE, OSG, or Naregi, dependable and secure handling of all data forms - from user and operational, to accounting and auditing - across organization within one Grid and across Grids is the cornerstone to the success of such production infrastructure This workshop is the second of the series on topics in production Grids that was initiated at HPDC-15 with the workshop on Management of Rights in Production Grids. This workshop will bring together practitioners and researchers on all aspects of distributed data handling to discuss capabilities of existing technologies, identify areas where new functionalities are needed, explore how latest research results can be integrated into the software stack of production Grids and offer guidance to ongoing standardization efforts. Topics include, but are not restricted to: