Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wed, Jan 15th from 7-7:30am CST due to server maintenance.

ESCC meetings are held twice-a-year. The meetings provide a forum for the National Laboratory Site Coordinators and their staff to coordinate & plan network activities with ESnet staff, and with each other, on common networking issues where collective effort is necessary or beneficial.
Location: The 2014 Winter ESCC meeting will be hosted by SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Building 51, Kavli Auditorium.
Registration: The 2014 summer ESCC meeting will be held as a standalone two-day meeting on February 25-26. Registration fee is $125.  The registration page is open, and can be accessed at:
Lodging: Rooms have been reserved at the SLAC Guest House for ESCC meeting attendees. You may contact the front desk, 24 hours a day at (650) 926-2800 or book online at:
Please use the group code ESCC0214 in order to receive the correct rate and be included in the group block. The group room block will be held until January 25, 2014 so please make your reservation soon.