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21–22 Nov 2013
US/Central timezone

List of registrants

24 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alan Bross Fermilab
Alex Bogacz Jefferson Lab
Andre de Gouvea Northwestern
Ao Liu Fermilab
Caroline Guimaraes York University
David Adey Fermilab
David Neuffer Fermilab
Edward Santos Imperial College
Etam Noah University of Geneva
Ian Taylor Warwick University
Jean-Baptiste Lagrange Imperial College
Jorge G. Morfin Fermilab
Mark Palmer Fermilab
Michel Sorel IFIC
Milorad Popovic Fermilab
Mitchell Yu York University
Ryan Bayes University of Glasgow
Sampa Bhadra York University
Scott Menary York University
Sergei Striganov Fermilab
Stephen Parke Fermilab
Steve Brice FNAL
Tanaji Sen FNAL
Thomas R. Kobilarcik Fermilab