Hideo Hirayama
(KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Intercomparison of Particle production
Hideo Hirayama asn Toshiya Sanami
KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
1-1, Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan
In accordance with the discussion at SATIF11, we sent the following
inter comparison problemswe of particle production from thick targets
to understand the differences of neutron attenuation inside Fe and concrete.
1. Incident particle
Pencil beam of protons with following energy
(a) 1 GeV
(b) 10 GeV
(c) 100 GeV
2. Target materials and their size
Targets geometry is the cylinder.
Source protons incident on the center of the cylinder bottom.
Target detector distance from the center of the cylinder is 500cm.
(a) Al : length 40cm, diameter 4.0cm and density 2.7g/cm^3
(b) Cu : length 16cm, diameter 1.6cm and density 8.63 g/cm^3
(c) Au : length 10cm, diameter 1.0cm and density 19.3 g/cm^3
3. Quantities to be calculated
Neutron spectrum above 20 MeV in n/MeV/sr/proton
at 15, 30, 45, 60 ,90,120,150 degrees with angular width ±0.5 degrees.
4. Calculated results must be sent to H. Hirayama at KEK (hideo.hirayama@kek.jp)
with the following data till March 30 of 2014 to prepare the intercomparison.
(a) Name of participants and organization
(b) Name of computer code used for calculations
(c) Name of data base used in the calculation
At SATIF12, we will present compariosn between results sent us till the
end of March.
Present compariosn of neutron production by high energy protons between various codes will be presented to understand the differences of neutron attenuation inside Fe and concrete.
Primary author
Hideo Hirayama
(KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
Toshiya Sanami
(KEK, High Energy Accelerator Reserach Organization)