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28–30 Apr 2014
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
US/Central timezone

Previous meetings

History of previous SATIF meetings:

SATIF-11 11-13 September 2012 KEK
SATIF-10 2-4 June 2010 CERN
SATIF-9 21-23 April 2008 ORNL
SATIF-8 22-24 May 2006 PAL

SATIF-7 17-18 May 2004, Sacavém, Portugal
SATIF-6 10-12 April 2002 SLAC
SATIF-5 18-21 July 2000 Paris-France
SATIF-4 16-17 September 1998, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
SATIF-3 12-13 May 1997, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
SATIF-2 12-13 October 1995, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
SATIF-1 28-29 April 1994, Arlington, Texas, USA