(Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania)
28/04/2014, 17:45
European Spallation Source (ESS) is next generation research facility for dynamics and material structure studies. It is common European project taking place in Lund, Sweden. Spallation reaction will be produced in helium cooled tungsten target by pulsed (50 Hz pulse length 2.8 ms) proton beam. Protons will be driven by linear accelerator (Linac) with maximum energy of 2 GeV and average power...
Dali Georgobiani
(Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA)
28/04/2014, 17:54
The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a project supported by the US DOE Office of Science, is under construction at Michigan State University. The production of rare isotope beams during FRIB operations creates a high radiation environment for the fragment preseparator superconducting magnets. Therefore, detailed studies of the proposed magnet designs and shielding by beam and radiation...
Daniela Ene
(European Spallation Source, ESS-AB, Sweden)
28/04/2014, 18:03
As other accelerator based facilities, the European Spallation Source (ESS) facility will not be a totally isolated system. It will interact with the environment. One can distinguish four types of radiological impacts: i) releases of activated air, ii) discharges of activated water, iii) activation of soil and groundwater, iv) stray radiation in the environment. The Swedish legislation...
Contribution of the Direct Electronuclear Processes to Thin Target Activation___________________
Pavel Degtiarenko
(Jefferson Lab)
28/04/2014, 18:12
Contribution of the direct inelastic interactions of electrons with nuclei to the neutron production and to the material activation radiation source terms may become significant or even critical in certain conditions at high energy electron accelerators. Impact of these processes may be considered negligible in descriptions and simulations of fully developed electromagnetic or hadronic...
Vitaly Pronskikh
28/04/2014, 18:21
A preliminary study of the Energy Production Demonstrator (EPD) concept, a heavy metal target irradiated by GeV-range intense proton beams and producing more energy than consuming, is carried out. Neutron production and fission are simulated using the MARS15 code for tungsten, natural uranium, lead and thorium target options, along with energy deposition and gain, peak DPA rate, materials...
Igor Rakhno
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
28/04/2014, 18:30
The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) at Fermilab is supposed to provide the world’s highest-intensity neutrino beam for the US program in neutrino physics. The corresponding incoming proton beam power can ultimately be as high as 2.3 MW, and the underground beam absorber at the end of the decay channel with related infrastructure is supposed to operate with little or no maintenance for...
Sergei Striganov
28/04/2014, 18:48
The Moliere approximation of elastic Coulomb scattering cross sections plays an important role in accurate description of multiple scattering, non-ionization energy, DPA radiation damage etc. The cross section depends only on a single parameter that describes the atomic screening. Moliere calculated the screening angle for the Tomas-Fermi distribution of electrons in atoms. In this paper, the...
Toshiya SANAMI
(High energy accelerator research organization (KEK))
28/04/2014, 19:15
The International Linear Collider is a proposed high energy collider which consist of two liner accelerators, two dumping rings, electron and positron source, and single colliding hall with two detectors. The total length and CMS energy of ILC reach 31 km and 500 GeV, respectively (50 km with 1 TeV for future upgrade). In 2013, Technical research document (TDR) of ILC was published and...