20–23 May 2014
US/Central timezone

Machine Protection Strategy for the ESS Target Station

20 May 2014, 17:30
1h 30m
Wilson Hall - Atrium

Wilson Hall - Atrium

Board: 403
Poster Presentation Target/Beam Monitoring & Instrumentation HPTW Poster Session & Reception


Thomas Shea (ESS)


The ESS linear accelerator will deliver a 5 MW, low-emittance proton beam directly to the target station. To limit power density, a transport line expands this beam to centimetre scale and rasters this expanded beam across the target surface. This technique produces a reasonably uniform current density that enables a five year service life for the rotating tungsten target and a 6 month service life for the upstream proton beam window. Conversely, the beam’s low emittance allows an errant spot size small enough to damage target station components within a single 2.86 millisecond pulse. A suite of instrumentation systems located within the target monolith and also upstream in the transport line will detect errant conditions and via the Beam Interlock System, suppress beam production. This presentation will introduce the primary causes of damaging beam properties, and describe the measurement techniques that will detect them promptly enough to mitigate component damage.

Primary author

Thomas Shea (ESS)


Andreas Jansson (Fermilab) Annika Nordt (ESS) Cyrille Thomas (ESS) Dr Eric Pitcher (European Spallation Source ESS AB) Heine Thomsen (Aarhus Univeristy) Dr Linda Coney (UC Riverside) Rikard Linander (ESS) Mr francois plewinski (ESS)

Presentation materials