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5–9 Nov 2007
The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis
US/Central timezone

Running EGEE services and worker nodes isung virtual machines

7 Nov 2007, 15:30
Seminar Room B (The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis)

Seminar Room B

The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis

Eric P. Newman Education Center 320 South Euclid Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 USA
Virtualization Virtualization II


Jan Svec (CESNET)


New scientific communities, attracted by successful deployment of Grids by various scientific groups, bring new requirements on Grid middleware, such as fast turn-around for short jobs, access prioritisation, and need for various execution environment optimized to application specific requirements. We will argue that virtualized Grids, based on idea that different virtual worker nodes, running on and sharing physical cluster nodes, may help to implement some of these features. In this presentation, we will present our effort in virtualization of the national grid infrastructure in Czech Republic and we will describe a system called Magrathea, which we have developed to allow Grid job scheduling system to deal with several virtual machines (VMs) running concurrently on a single computer. With help of two HEP and EGEE related deployment scenarios (service consolidation of EGEE services and sharing of worker nodes between EGEE and MetaCentre grids) we will demonstrate how virtual machines can be already used to fullfill some of new requirements.
Approximate Length (in minutes) (default is 15 minutes for Site Reports and 30 minutes for others, including questions) 15

Primary author

Mr Miroslav Ruda (CESNET)


Jan Svec (CESNET) Dr Ludek Matyska (CESNET)

Presentation materials