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5–9 Nov 2007
The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis
US/Central timezone

List of registrants

62 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alan Silverman CERN
Alex Iribarren CERN
Alexandre Lossent CERN
Andras Horvath CERN
Andrei Maslennikov CASPUR
Antonio Chan Brookhaven National Laboratory
Benjamin Gaidioz CERN
Bruce Walker Broad Institute
Chris Brew SFTC - RAL
Chuck Boeheim SLAC
David Kelsey STFC-RAL
Enrico Mazzoni I.N.F.N. Sezione di Pisa
Enrico Maria Vincenzo Fasanelli I.N.F.N. - Sezione di Lecce
Federico Nebiolo INFN
Gary Buhrmaster SLAC
Gary Stiehr The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis
Gian Piero Siroli Phys. Dept. Univ. of Bologna (Italy) & INFN
Guy Coates Genome Research Limited
Helga Schwendicke DESY
Helge Meinhard CERN
Hung-Te Lee Academia Sinica Grid Computing, Taiwan
Ian Gable University of Victoria
Iwona Sakrejda LBNL/NERSC
Jacques-Charles Lafoucriere CEA
James Casey CERN
Jan Kundrát Institute of Physics of the ASCR, v. v. i.
Jan Michael Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Jan Svec Institute od Physics AS CR
Jiri Chudoba Instititute of Physics
Jonathan Nicholson Genome Research Institute
Kazimierz Popinski DESY
Keith Chadwick Fermilab
Kent Koeninger HP
Lukas Fiala Institute of Physics AS CR
Manfred Alef Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Martin Bly STFC - RAL
Matthew Trunnell Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Mattias Wadenstein NDGF
Michel Jouvin LAL/ IN2P3
Michele Michelotto Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare
Oliver Oberst IWR - Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe / IEKP University of Karlsruhe
Paul Kuipers Nikhef
Peter Clapham Genome Research Limited
Peter van der Reest DESY
Phil Butcher Genome Reserach Limited
Philippe Olivero CC-IN2P3
Pierrick Micout CEA DAPNIA
Rafal Otto CERN
Robert Quick Indiana University
Roberto Gomezel INFN
Sandra Philpott Jefferson Lab
Stanley Naymola FermiLab
Steven McDonald TRIUMF
Tim Cutts Genome Research Limited
Tony Cass CERN
Tore Mauset NDGF
Troy Dawson Fermilab
Veronique Lefebure CERN
Walter Schoen GSI
Wayne Baisley Fermilab
Wojciech WOJCIK CC-IN2P3
Wolfgang Friebel Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron