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5–9 Nov 2007
The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis
US/Central timezone

New WLCG Grid Monitoring Displays

8 Nov 2007, 09:30
Seminar Room B (The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis)

Seminar Room B

The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis

Eric P. Newman Education Center 320 South Euclid Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 USA
Grid Management and Monitoring Grid Management and Monitoring I


James Casey (CERN)


We will demonstrate two new tools for monitoring grid services within WLCG. The first is a set of grid probes, designed to test EGEE and OSG services at a site, integrated into nagios. The second is a new visualisation tool - GridMap ( This uses heatmaps to compactly display site availability for the entire WLCG Grid on a single page.
Approximate Length (in minutes) (default is 15 minutes for Site Reports and 30 minutes for others, including questions) 30

Primary author

Presentation materials