Keith Chadwick
08/11/2007, 09:00
Grid Management and Monitoring
We will present the tools which are used to monitor the grid services within the Fermilab Campus Grid (FermiGrid).
James Casey
08/11/2007, 09:30
Grid Management and Monitoring
We will demonstrate two new tools for monitoring grid services within WLCG. The first is a set of grid probes, designed to test EGEE and OSG services at a site, integrated into nagios. The second is a new visualisation tool - GridMap (http://gridmap.cern.ch). This uses heatmaps to compactly display site availability for the entire WLCG Grid on a single page.
Benjamin Gaidioz
08/11/2007, 10:00
Grid Management and Monitoring
The presentation will give an overview of the Experiment Dashboard monitoring applications, providing LHC users with the possibility to monitor analysis and production activities on the distributed infrastructure. Experiment Dashboard monitoring applications are working in a transparent way across several middleware platforms used by the LHC experiments (LCG/gLite,OSG,NorduGrid).