Tony Cass
07/11/2007, 09:00
Data Centers
I will give a general introduction to the problems faced by today's data centres and summarise the responses to the survey of HEPiX sites carried out prior to this meeting.
Antonio Chan
(Brookhaven National Lab)
07/11/2007, 09:30
Data Centers
Brookhaven is the primary computing center for RHIC, and it is also a Tier 1 computing center
for the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The growing computing needs from both RHIC and
ATLAS has exceeded the capacity of the current computer center, and a long-term expansion
plan is now underway to meet future requirements. This presentation discusses our expansion
plans as well as possible...
Gary Stiehr
(The Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis)
07/11/2007, 10:00
Data Centers
The Washington University School of Medicine is building a new data
center with the needs of the Genome Sequencing Center in mind. It is
being constructed to have full power and cooling redundancy for 120
racks of equipment, with an anticipated mixture of 2/3 8 kW storage
racks and 1/3 25 kW compute racks. We will discuss its design, the
problems we encountered along the way, our current...